The Deutsche Technoplast GmbH – hereafter called Deutsche Technoplast GmbH – is offering you as whistle-blower a secure reporting channel. According to the “Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz” (HinSchG)/informant-protection-law this term means a system, which enables you to confidentially submit anonymous information. Confidentiality in this context means, that “an information channel is devised, installed and operated in order to protect the identity of the informant (whistle-blower) and others, who might be mentioned in his/her report.” The confidentiality of an informant must be guaranteed, he must not suffer reprisals, discrimination or disadvantages because of his/her report.
You want to hint at possible grievances, submit some suggestions or complaints straightforward but stay anonymous at the same time?
Employees and other interested persons can report possible incidents and offences confidentially, without being prosecuted. To protect you and your information this is achieved through forwarding to an external and secure platform.
Your identity and personal data is, unless you do explicitly agree to it, neither collected nor stored in the course of your report.
The content of your confidentially sent messages is made anonymous and forwarded to Deutsche Technoplast GmbH by the applied reporting portal, under no circumstances with information about your identity.
You can reach the reporting portal through the following link:
Information on the external reporting portal, employed by Deutsche Technoplast GmbH as service provider:
Thomas Schießl
Untere Ringstrasse 26
94347 Ascha
Telephone: +49(0)171/1462886